Free Smart Goals Templates & Worksheets (Word, PDF)

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SMART goals templates are used for goals setting that motivate the people to achieve what they want. But you have to set SMART goals to make sure about their success. SMART goal setting provides meaning to your wants and clear framework for managing and defining them. Moreover, by setting SMART goal you have clear direction to act to achieve the objectives and goals you have set. They are used by anywhere, by anyone, and without any requirement of training.

What are SMART goals?

In 1981, George T. Doran introduced SMART goal setting in his research paper. He published a paper named as “S.M.A.R.T. Way to Write to Management’s Goals and Objectives.” Following is the explanation to the SMART acronym;

S- Specific:

In SMART goal setting, ‘S’ means specific. It means you have to be specific about the approach. By specific means you have to be answerable to all the ‘W’ questions.

  • What: you should know what exactly you want to achieve.
  • Why: you must indicate the reason for the goal.
  • Who: entities that will be involved in achieving it.
  • When: sets a time frame. This is because the time bound section will encourage you to do things rapidly.
  • Where: you should determine the location of the relevant event that where it will be happened.
  • Which: you must identify the requirements for the goal that either your goal is realistic or not.

M- Measurable:

The “M” in SMART goals stands for measurable and this element helps you in measuring progress and performance. You need to select the metrics to see either or not you require the goal. By measuring, you can make your goal more tangible. Furthermore, it provides a way to measure progress. For the ease of completing the project, you should set milestones on the basis of the length of the project.

A- Attainable or Achievable:

This element indicates that a goal is essential to you and you have to attain or achieve it. To achieve it, you have required some skills and a different attitude. So, demonstrate clearly how you can achieve the goal and what skills you require to make it easily achievable.

R- Realistic or Relevant:

Your goals should be realistic. Don’t form the goals that aren’t achievable or relevant at all. Keep in mind that if your goals are realistic then you or your team can easily achieve them.

T- Time-bound:

Your goals must be time-bound. There are chances that your goals cannot succeed in anyway if they lack realistic timing. Setting a time frame is imperative to achieve the goal. This will also generate a sense of urgency and determination to complete the work.

Reasons for SMART goals setting:

Let us discuss some reasons for SMART goals setting;

  • They have such an appeal that allows you to pay attention well. At a time, you can pay attention and just look at one thing rather than looking at many things. There are a lot of tasks you have to do every day and that may divert your attention but by setting goals you can focus well.
  • Without setting goals, you are walking on a road where you do not know your destination. On the other hand, when you set goals it provides you a clear way as where you need to go. You can lead towards the path of success by knowing what you really want. However, you should make sure that your goals are not ambiguous. For the explanation of your goal, select the words that excite and motivate you towards working for it.
  • They determine and remind you of your priorities. When you set a goal, you do not stray away because you are regularly reminded about priorities. You should identify your priorities to accomplish your goals.
  • If you set SMART goals, you can successfully manage your time. During sating goals, you set priorities too. In this way, you work through priorities and complete them in a timely manner. This ultimately trains you to manage time.

What to include in a SMART goal template or SMART goal worksheets?

Include the following content in your template;

  • Initial goal: you have to firstly determine the first goal.
  • Specific: here, you have to specify the following;
    1- what you want to accomplish
    2- why you want to do it
    3- who will be working in the team
    4- when do you want to start it
  • Measurable: identify the ways to measure the progress.
  • Achievable: determine whether you have the skills to achieve the goal or whether it encourages you towards achieving the goal.
  • Relevant: specify that why you are setting the goal.
  • Time bound: determine the deadline and specify whether it is realistic or not.
  • Actions for obstacles: the challenges that stand in your way, mention them and indicate the actions that you have to take to solve them.

How to prioritize your goals?

Here are some tips for you;


Take some time and sit down somewhere alone then think about all your dreams. Consider your career goals, personal development goals, relationship goals, health goals, and more. In order to make sure that your life is balanced, brainstorm and create goals across all areas of your life. You may not find yourself happy in case you don’t consider all areas. That’s why, you should make sure that your goals are balanced in order to make your life balance.


After a few days, go through your list and then think that why you want to reach each goal. You have to ensure that a goal will benefit you as well as it will be worth your time and effort. Take off those goals from your list that you don’t know why you want to achieve them.

Prioritize your goals

Take each goal and prioritize them in order of importance in your life. After prioritizing your goals, take the top four and then start working on those.

How to write a SMART goal?

Let us discuss step-by-step how to write a SMART goal;

  • At first, you have to provide a summary to your goal. You must write down your goals clearly because often they are quite unclear for people. In driving you towards your goal, clarity plays a huge role. Formulate your goal by keeping the SMART criterion in mind.
  • The next step is classifying your goals. Many people don’t know how to classify goals. Basically, classifying means categorizing the goals. This means you have to see what can assist you best in achieving your goal. So, for clarifying goals, categorizing helps you a lot.
  • After narrowing down your goals, there is no need to waste time in setting a value to get to work. You can seem it difficult in terms of achieving but it can encourage you to achieve it. To add the value and clarity to the goal, setting a numeric goal is important.
  • Every goal needs a deadline. By having a length of time will help you reach your goal. The time and date will assist you in figuring out the extent. This must be committed towards the project.
  • Nothing can go smooth either in business or anything else. There is definitely something that will stop you in this litigious society. Therefore, a marketer must determine the threats the potential threats and challenges that can come in his way.

How to reach your SMART goals effectively?

Make an action plan

You should split your goals into small manageable targets and to reach each target, set action items. Put all the action items that you could do to achieve your goal into writings. Include the following;

  • The steps you will take
  • The resources you will require
  • The knowledge you will require to get

Organize your list into an action plan and you can revise it whenever you need. Make use of checklist template and organize the list in such a way so that you can complete the tasks in more organized and systematic way.

Hold yourself liable

Download the monthly planner and specify all the milestones that will lead you to achieve your goal in it. Schedule in your weekly and daily planner all the tasks that you have to complete each week. At the end of each day, check whether you reach your goals for that day or not.

Work hard

Hard work and determination is required to reach your goals. You won’t get what you want to achieve in case you don’t put in the work. You should bear in mind that anything worth getting is going to take time. So, don’t give up and work hard to get wherever you want to be.

Stay determined

Determination is an important factor that keep you doing whatever you have to do to reach your goals. It might be one of traits that make the difference between those who succeed from those who don’t. You will reach your goals if you are determined to reach them. Also, you can overcome an obstacle when you encounter it.


In conclusion, a SMART goal setting template is an essential goal to set the right goals for your task and eliminate the hard work. Be realistic and be positive about achieving your goals. The SMART criterion for goal setting makes sure that goals are attainable and reasonable. This criterion encourages you to address specific issues regarding the goals.

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