Training is important for the continuous development of any business or individual’s skills. Businesses arrange in-house training sessions for their potential employees. While there are a lot of platforms available that help in getting any type of training remotely via the internet or by joining regular classes.

The training schedule is a plan document that presents all the information about training to their targeted audience. The employee training schedule template formally covers the aspects of presenting course details, training agendas, trainer’s introduction, and calendar of training sessions.

What is the training schedule?

A training schedule is given to both new and existing employees of the company in order to support them with a necessary amount of training. This schedule will help you to keep everything organized. Furthermore, it enables you to manage the employees’ training. Every company requires a training schedule so that their employees can work in the perfect way to produce fruitful results.

Why is training employees necessary?

Every business should train its employees for the tasks that they are assigned to do. It will definitely motivate the employee and assists them to get the required job security, and job satisfaction. When you train your employees then you can see an increase in the productivity and efficiency of your company automatically. Moreover, employees can also show quantity and quality performance. However, training is beneficial for both employees and employers of a company.

The different types of employee training plan templates:

Let us discuss below the 4 different types of employee training plan templates;

New hire training template

As its name implies, this training plan template is for new employees to help them start on the right foot. This plan is implemented due to the following practical reasons;

  • Provide insights into the job role
  • Familiarize with company policies and procedures
  • Demonstrate enterprise tools

With the help of this training template, you can eliminate the uncertainty and low morale that new hires might feel.

Training needs assessment template

Before launching a training program, creating a training needs assessment plan specifies the necessary groundwork that helps to understand an organization’s actual requirements for certain training programs. Also, it assists in making decisions on the basis of measurable outcomes to get better ROI.

Individual employee training plan template

The individual employee training plan template specifies the following details;

  • A training program
  • The goals of the training
  • Learning outcomes
  • Training method
  • Strategies
  • Curriculum to train employees

Employee development plan template

This type of training template helps the employees to get new skills and competencies. It is a proactive and forward-looking action plan.

The objective of the Training Schedule Template

Training schedules are not only important for training institutes as a business. Companies that organize in-house training sessions for their vital employees also use a training schedule template. It’s a special type of memorandum that is issued to a targeted audience to present the information they are looking for.

It helps to manage job rotations in business to avoid any harm to the major business activities. When potential employees are busy in training sessions, someone else takes their job description to perform business activities timely.

For training institutes, training schedules play a vital role in getting the target market enrolled in the training session. These schedules are made keeping in view the business activity and availability of the target market.

Components of Training Schedule Template

Due to the memorandum nature of the training schedule. It needs to present a set of information to its audience. One of the most important pieces of information it must carry is a calendar of different training programs along with the course title.

People look for 3 types of information is typical training schedules, Course title and details of what will be covered under the comprehensive course duration, length of the training session, and the trainer introduction to check the value of the course against the amount they need to pay.

Effective training schedules generated by training institutes also cover the information about when the next session will be commenced to relax the targeted audience to plan well before. It also covers the success stories of candidates who have taken the training from their institutes and how the training session helped them along their journey towards success.

Some training schedules also mentioned the pre-requisites and standard of education required to be enrolled in the training session.

What to include in an employee training plan template?

Here are some essentials to include in an employee training plan;

  • The objectives of the training
  • Type of training
  • KPIs to calculate the ROI
  • Training timelines
  • Training method
  • Training material
  • The section of employees who will attend the training
  • A list of digital tools employees have to use

How do I create a training schedule?

Let us discuss step-by-step how to create a training schedule;

Step#1: At first, you should set goals and objectives that will assist you during training your employees. You have to set the goals that will enhance your business productivity. The goals must be specific, measurable, attainable, and to the point.

Step#2: Secondly, create a training plan that contains those tasks that your employees have to complete in a given time period. Think about the tasks that your employee has to do for the company to reach the goal. Your employees should know what they have to do, what knowledge they can gain, and how they can implement it in everyday tasks.

Step#3: Next, define the skills, abilities, and knowledge of your employees. In this way, you can understand them easily. If you are well aware of your employees’ characteristics, then it will become easy for you that what type of tasks you should assign them.

Step#4: After that, create a list of all the required resources and materials. You should use various techniques and methods so that your employees understand their tasks better.

Step#5: The last step to implement your schedule. There are four levels that will tell you are your plan successful or not.

  • The first level is the employees’ response towards the training.
  • Employees’ learning from training is the second level.
  • The third level is the employees’ post-job behavior.
  • The last level tells you either you met your goals or not.

How to create a Training Schedule Template?

There are a lot of types of training schedules created for different purposes and different nature of training. The most commonly used training schedules are used for in-house training by companies and by training institutes.

A simple but effective training schedule follows the below guidelines to fulfill its purpose successfully.

  1. It comprehensively covers all the information on one page.
  2. It is visually well-designed and easy to read.
  3. It targets a specific domain of the audience.
  4. It must be created after due research on the availability and market demand of the targeted audience.
  5. It must provide training to market niche skills.
  6. It must provide alternative schedules for the next training sessions before hands.
  7. It must present a course outline and trainer introduction.

A training schedule creates keeping in view the above guidelines will help the owner to boost the sales as it also covers marketing approaches to hunt for more candidates for a single training session.

How many methods of training are there?

There are commonly two methods of training;

  1. On-the-job training: On-the-job training is a method of training skills and knowledge that are required by employees to perform certain tasks within the workplace. This training will occur in the employee’s normal job environment. This method is cost-effective and easy.
  2. Off-the-job training: Off-the-job training is given to the employees away from the actual working condition. This method is costly and difficult because it isn’t easy to train a large number of employees within a short time period. It is also known as vestibule training.

Why should you use an employee training schedule?

Here are some reasons for using an employee training schedule;

Fill knowledge gaps

When you investigate your employee’s skills on a daily basis, it helps to analyze skill gaps in knowledge. It also makes sure that the employees have the competencies that are needed to do their jobs efficiently.

Improve employee performance

Employees become more confident and productive at their jobs as well as learn new skills when they regularly undergo training.

Improve employee retention

Employees feel important and do their jobs well when the companies conduct continuous training programs. This will also lead to higher job satisfaction and increased retention rates.

Make sure succession planning

When companies have a solid employee training plan, it makes sure that they already have someone who steps into the role when a team member leaves.

Maintain consistency

All employees work from the same information base by having a strong training plan. When you train every employee the same way, it promotes consistency throughout the team.

Some tips and tricks for using an employee training plan:

Consider the following tips and tricks;

Specify your medium

Different types of media are required for different training content. Some content is best shown via video, some in audio or text, and some in a live presentation. Only one in five organizations forgo technology for their learning activities as per the research by CIPD. This research also indicates how team members’ support and trust in each other get improved by switching from traditional to digital learning. Thus, you must indicate which medium you are using for each portion of the training.

Take feedback regarding your template

Once you create the first version still your template isn’t completed. You should take feedback on your template in order to keep iterating and improving it. In case, more than one person trains team members then this is particularly true.

When you are done, connect your content to your training template

When your content is live, add links to your content directly in your training plan template. When all your content is ready, deploy your training plan template as a to-do list.

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